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– Colander D. (2004) The art of teaching economics, International Review of Economics Education 3(1):63-76, DOI: 10.1016/S1477-3880(15)30144-4
– Guetzkow J. (2002) How the Arts Impact Communities: An introduction to the literature on arts impact studies,
– Kim M. (2012) Teaching popular economics to less-educated adults: principles and examples for teaching heterodox and critical economics, On the Horizon, Vol. 20 (3), pp.194-205,
– Salemi M. K. (2005) Teaching_Economic_Literacy_Why_What_and_How, International Review of Economics Education. 4:2, 46-57
– Vidagañ M. and de Arriba R. (2016) When_Economics_Meets_Arts_in_the_Classroom, Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences. 228, 323-328
– Watts M. and Chineze C. (2012) Using Art Paintings Drawings and Engravings to Teach Economics, The Journal of Economic Education, 43:4, 408-422, DOI: 10.1080/00220485.2012.714317